Pomigliano D’Arco (NA), 26 august 1976
In 2003 he graduated in Law at the Federico II University of Naples with honors, defending a thesis in Criminal Procedure with the title: “The relationship between illegitimate searches and evidentiary seizure”.
He collaborated with the chairs of Criminal Procedure of the Faculty of Law of the Federico II University of Naples and of the Faculty of Law of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University. He also collaborated in the teaching of Youth Criminal Legislation at the Faculty of Law of the Federico II University of Naples.
He lectured on the issues of Criminal Procedural Law.
He concentrated his research on the criminal trial, focusing mainly on the issue of the invalidity of evidentiary acts, the “unconstitutional evidence” and the legitimacy control performed by the Court of Cassation.
He is the author of an essay on the “unconstitutional evidence” and of other works of commentary on articles 606 et seqq. Code of Criminal Procedure on the appeal before the Court of Cassation.
He has been enrolled to the Bar since 2011.
He provides legal counseling mainly in criminal, tax and bankruptcy matters.
During his professional activity, he gained specific experience in the field of consultancy for Italian and international corporate groups operating in the Renewable energy, Pharmaceutical and Business Information sectors. He worked on preventive legal Due Diligence, also in relation to Merger & Acquisition transactions, and compliance, carrying out risk assessment activities and drafting, implementing and updating the Organizational, Management and Control Models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
He provided assistance and advisory activities in the field of so-known white collar crimes, dealing with corporate criminal law and bankruptcy law. He has also gained particular expertise in the field of criminal tax law, providing consultancy and assistance in favor of individuals, companies and groups.
He has also gained specific experience in the field of privacy compliance, with particular regard to compliance with the GDPR and the implementation of organizational privacy models.
He provides judicial assistance mainly in the criminal and tax offenses’ areas.
Languages spoken: French and English.